With 2010 coming to an end, it’s time to evaluate all you accomplished throughout the year. Sure, there’s always going to be more you wish you could have done, but take this one moment to celebrate your hard work and all that you were able to achieve.
All the sacrifices, long days, and sweat equity invested in your business, has definitely earned you a guilt-free day, week, or month to do nothing but celebrate your success up to this point.
As an entrepreneur, it may seem impossible to get away from your business, but that time away can give you the boost you need to take your business to the next level.
Here Are 10 Ways To Celebrate Your Hard Work… And To Motivate You To Push Your Business Even Further.
1. Spa Day
Every now and then, you can treat yourself to a spa day. Not only does a great massage help relieve stress and tension, but the royal experience of having someone pamper you is a great way to treat yourself and remember your worth.
Schedule a spa day, and get the hairstyle, manicure, pedicure, massage, and facial you need to feel rejuvenated and ready for the business world.
2. Seasons Tickets To Favorite Sports Team
Who says you’re too busy to catch a great game? If basketball makes you happy, then go to a game. Better yet, buy season tickets…and not the nose bleed seats. Get close to the court, or go for the box seats, if that’s your style.
Season tickets to a basketball, football, baseball, or hockey game is not only an incredible treat for you and your special someone (spouse, kid, friend, etc…), but you can also use the extra tickets to treat or host clients and potential customers (when you’re back in business mode, of course.)
3. Exotic Vacation
Nothing says celebration like a long-overdue trip to somewhere warm, beautiful, quiet and far enough to disconnect you from your every day routine. There are so many paradise-like vacation resorts you can escape to, so for the ultimate celebration schedule a trip and pack your bags.
A peaceful beach getaway allows you to clear your head, re-prioritize your life, refocus your goals, and sample the incredible lifestyle you’re working so hard to achieve. Just the thought of being able to go on trips more often, is motivation enough to work harder.
4. Jewelry
Treat yourself to an incredible watch, an awesome ring, or another classic piece of jewelry that you can appreciate for decades. Make it something really special, so every time you look at your wrist or your hand you can be reminded of why you work so hard… to make it possible for you and your loved ones to enjoy the finer things in life.
Think of it as a gift that you can pass along to your kids, or someone that looks up to you, to encourage them to work hard and follow their dreams the way you did.
5. Exclusive Shopping
To celebrate your hard work, step up your wardrobe in a big way. Sure, we all love a great shopping spree every now and then, but to really celebrate yourself think quality over quantity. Instead of buying several different pieces off the rack, really splurge by treating yourself to a tailor-made suit or some extra-exclusive shoes.
When wearing an incredible custom suit that fits your body perfectly…you won’t need an introduction when you step into a room. Treat yourself to a gift that commands presence and earns you the respect that you deserve as a serious business owner.
6. Pay Off A Nagging Bill
One ultimate way to celebrate yourself is to clear away all the clutter that brings down your mood and nags at you. I’m talking about the bills that show up every month to remind you of that big cloud of debt that looms over you. To celebrate yourself, pay off nagging student loan or car loan bills in one big payment.
While paying bills is not something you would normally associate with a celebratory act, it is an exhilarating feeling to know that a certain bill will never haunt you again. Instead of worrying about paying off that bill every month, you could put that extra money back into your business, so you can have more to celebrate down the road.
7.Your Guilty Pleasure
You know what I’m referring to… go get that thing you’ve been eyeing for so long. If you’re an Apple junkie like some of us here at BrandMakerNews, go get that shiny new iThing you’ve been drooling over. If you love shoes, go out and find that perfect pair.
Whatever your favorite “it” thing is… if you’ve been waiting for the perfect reason to justify that extra expense… here you go: You survived another year as a business owner.
You accomplished several of your professional goals this year, and you’ve watched your company grow and develop in so many incredible ways. You defied the odds by becoming a business owner, and you are still standing. Congrats to you! Now, go get that new handbag or computer you want. You deserve it.
8. Fancy Restaurant
Everyone has that special restaurant that they go to only on special occasions (anniversaries, birthdays, graduations, etc…). Now’s the time to pick up the phone and make reservations to go and dine on your favorite food as you toast to all the hard work you put into getting your business off the ground.
Use this opportunity to order all the steak and lobster you can handle, just because you deserve it. Put on your best outfit, order a car service if you don’t feel like driving, and go enjoy that fancy dinner you’ve been putting off for so long.
9. Lounge Day
Sometimes the best gift you can give yourself is a guilt free day to lounge and unplug. Give yourself a day (or even a week, if you think you can survive) with no emails, phone calls, no meetings, no text messages, and no Facebook. Just completely unplug, grab a few movies, order your favorite food and kick back and enjoy the comfort of your own home.
Don’t wait for the weekend, take a lounge day in the middle of a work week, just because you can. As hard as you work, sometimes it’s easy to forget that you are the boss… no one’s going to stop you from taking a day to just breathe and relax, so do just that.
I’m pretty sure no one will die if you take the day off, so stop feeling guilty about shutting off the world for your own peace of mind.
10. Party
What better way to celebrate yourself than to enjoy a night out with your favorite friends? You can go to a fabulous party or host your own. Just make sure you have the chance to let your hair down, put on that incredible dress or suit, and let loose. You’ve been busy in serious entrepreneur mode for a long time now, it’s time to remind yourself to have fun every now and then.
Besides, you left the corporate world so you wouldn’t have to work for some grouchy boss, don’t allow yourself to become that guy. Go hit the town with some friends, dance the night away and share a champagne toast to all you’ve accomplished… and all the success you will have in the year to come.
I worked really hard this year, so I think I’ll take two lounge days, a spa day, a fabulous night out, and a trip to my favorite fancy restaurant. I know I definitely deserve it, how about you?
With 2010 coming to an end, what will you do to celebrate all that you’ve accomplished? Inquiring minds want to know…
Cheers to you and your business! Now, let’s celebrate.