Check out this in-depth Gemini 2 Review (2023) if you’re wondering if the Gemini 2 Bitcoin Software is a Scam. We came across their website and listened to the pitch made by Brandon Lewis. The Gemini Bitcoin Software is nothing more than a bogus website filled with lies and deception to trick you into falling for this money trap.
Before we could say for sure, we had to check out every aspect of the program to be sure. What we found was pretty disgusting. Keep reading for the full scoop on the Gemini 2 scam.
The Gemini2 Bitcoin Software is a Bitcoin trading system that is supposed to work on autopilot and guarantee 100% winning trades every time. We knew that it was bogus when we reviewed their claim. Anyone who knows anything about Bitcoin trading knows that this has never been done before and that these extraordinary claims are too good to be true.
Brandon Lewis, the fake CEO, claims that you can deposit $250 in your Gemini 2 Bitcoin System account, and within 221 days, you will have made $918,112.50. Any pro trader will tell you that this is a lot of bunk. This is the first deception.
We received this message on our comments section from the Actor hired for Gemini 2 >> Please check out the links and message below for him and stay away from this SCAM !!! He has requested everyone to forward the scam links to
“I have been notified by several people that this scam is circulating again. I am the Actor that was hired to shoot this commercial 6 years ago. I have done everything in my power to shut this down. I even launched a video years ago that was making the rounds explaining the situation (posted below).
The man that shot this project (he is the screenshot above as one of the “testimonials”) is named Bill Berry. A couple of years ago he was shut down by the federal trade commission as well as all of the people he worked with.
As soon as this popped back up, I immediately told him to shut it down!! He has reached back out to the CFTC to report it.
See the link
If you see this ad pop up somewhere, please post a link so I can forward it to the authorities.
I’m truly sorry to anyone that has been affected by this. I’ve spent my entire life trying to help people, and then I booked one commercial that has caused so much pain to others.
I will continue to try to stop this. ”
Deceptions: Why Gemini2 Bitcoin Software Is A Scam? Gemini 2 Review !!
Brandon Lewis claims to have been a high-ranking engineer with Google and says that he learned how to take power from large corporate hedge funds to give it to the working class.
He says that only a few people will be allowed to join the Gemini Bitcoin system as beta testers for accessing the world’s only no-loss Bitcoin software. Too much time is spent in the video trying to convince people of the luxuries they will be able to afford.
He also shows images of bank accounts that anyone could have doctored. They don’t prove a thing because they cannot be verified.
Lewis claims that Gemini 2 has consistently generated between ten and fifty thousand dollars a day in profits for people in the past three years. We checked out the website with a domain age tool that verifies the start date for the site. It has only been around since the end of May 2016, so here is another lie to add to the collection.
Inconsistencies with Established Facts
Brandon says you can begin trading with Gemini 2 App on autopilot and keep the Bitcoin system running twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week. This is odd for an expert who developed Bitcoin trading software because everyone that does trading knows that the markets are closed on the weekends. How can you trade if the markets aren’t open? This is another inconsistency that shows this man doesn’t know what he’s talking about. We believe that he is reading a script written by the real owners of this scam operation.
Fake Gemini 2 Testimonials & False Reviews !!
We attempted to verify the testimonials and reviews presented to support this program’s legitimacy. We found nothing concrete, so we have no choice but to conclude that they have been purchased to promote this scam.
In our review, we uncovered quite a few complaints from people who had invested their $250 with the slimy brokers that work with these fake paid artists.
None of them made any profits with the Gemini 2 Bitcoin software, but they lost their entire investments. This is evidence enough to prove that the Gemini 2 App is bogus.
The Gemini Holdings Company Lacks Transparency !!
We went one step further in trying to verify Brandon’s company as being legitimate and registered. We couldn’t find any trace of support for this, and all legit companies must be registered and pay their fair share of taxes from such amazing profits. The site doesn’t give us solid proof of their legitimacy, but rather, they are hoping that what they are saying sounds good and that people will not investigate further before joining. They give us nothing but a line of unrealistic promises with no proof that anyone has ever achieved the riches they’re promising with the Gemini 2.
Where Is Your Money Going? Gemini 2 Autotrader Facts !!
You won’t be charged for the Gemini Bitcoin software because this isn’t how the scam works. The real problem is when you deposit $250 in a broker’s account to begin auto trading.
You aren’t given a demo account to get started like most reputable brokers offer; you pay your money and let the Bitcoin software do what it will do. In essence, you depend on a Bitcoin system with no official proof that it is trustworthy or even real.
Are the Gemini 2 Brokers Transparent?
There is no trace of information about the brokers being used so we don’t know their names or anything about their legitimacy or registration. Since a linkage with a reputable Forex Broker firm would be compelling support, and we don’t see the information being used, we assume it’s because they’re not reputable.
And what about the brokers that Lewis is using for Gemini Auto trader? You can check out some reputable brokers. You’ll notice that they fully disclose their name, the terms and conditions for using their services, the risks associated with Forex trading, and proof of their official business registration and recognition. This Gemini 2 Website does not offer any of these things, which is another factor that places them firmly in the classification of a scam.
Closing words: Avoid the Gemini 2 Bitcoin Software At Any Cost !!
After reviewing and weighing the facts, we could only conclude that the Gemini 2 program is a scam. You should avoid making an investment with your hard-earned money into this bogus Bitcoin system. Based on the user complaints, this vile scam will rob you of every dime you invest.
Our Gemini 2 review includes a full investigation of the claims made by the presenter, Brandon Lewis. The website offers no substantial proof that the Bitcoin software works as he claims, and we couldn’t find any either. There are no verifiable testimonials to support this as a good option for making a profit.
We don’t know much about the company behind the Gemini Bitcoin software because it is veiled in secrecy which is another bad sign. So avoid this bogus Bitcoin system !!
I just want to part of a real business system for once that isn’t only after our slave earned money for their selfish heartlessness but to actually truthfully help spread some wealth that we should all share to have at least some monetary freedom for fuck sake. Really lost trust of all online marketing, trading systems like Gemini 2 .These days at all with way too fucking many bloodsucking evil, money raping scum I’ve found. I hate this pyramid scheme we are trapped to slave in, no escape if you cant succeed in your own business and really i never will be like them. I have empathy for mother earth and all living within in it but as the years go by i really think it needs to be flushed down to the core n new species may be better then the failed race over bred on the planet. Bring on nibiru or comet already, oh please wash it all away!! I wanna see tidal waves everywhere!! (Learn to Swim) Please happen already!! Too many useless humans on this planet they don’t deserve to breath the air. I fucking hate scammers would love to see them die 💀
Have you ever gotten in contact with these people
Don’t worry buddy, the planet enters a corner of space that is too positively charged in 5d and like the cabal, these dam scammers will be, one way or another, displaced from Earth !
Hi i am Nurassikin. Have joined this Geminii2 and have already made my deposit. Is there any way that i can get my money back?
Hi Dear,
Have any update did you make any profit in 10 days??
Please reply:
I am also interested to start this software if it’s really works..!!
Hv u able to withdraw your deposit?
Yes I tednd to agree , having 24000 USD to L binary they just closed down and stole all clients accounts , The CEO wanted dead or alive .
Look good at the video, he is wearing the exact same suit on the day he met Jerry and 30 days later when he visited Jerry.
Sweet one.
It is not the same clothes take a good look. First he wares a blue jacket and then a gray jacket
But is it his car lol
What I would like is someone who bought the program that is being hung out there for people to buy and give a bought and used honest review from a person who has used it.
This guy Publicly admitted that he makes millions. Send the IRS for fucks like this and put them away for not paying the taxes on those millions they make, by their own admission, and throw away the key. Let other people know that if you put your face out there for the reason of scaring people, you’ll go away for a long, long time.
I like how it requires a $250 deposit yet Jerry only had $63.37 in his account and he made $1000 exactly. Lol
Excellent question yes we need to know how It requires jerry
That’s the question I’ve been asking myself all along. . . I was halfway through the registration when I opened another tab on my browser just to check if this is really legit or not. As I was reading the review on this website I received a phone call from the so called “Gemini Software offices”. The guy on the phone was so quick to ask “Do you have R3500 in you bank account”. . He couldn’t hear what I was saying so he dropped the phone, after about 5 minutes or so he phoned again. That time I was convinced that these people are desperately looking for easy targets to scam.
My advice would be, if you are still wondering whether this is for real or not, run away and don’t look back..
In my language they say “Isala kutshelwa sibona ngomopho”. . .
I also found the withdrawing a grand was totally bunk too especially when brandon’s punk a$$ was with him in the booth most atms will only let a person withdraw up to 300 per day
Well the reason why these people ask for a $/£250 because they get a percentage of that money ….. what I mean is that the company Gemini code us a affiliate to who ever the original binary account and then you would put down 250 he would get say for e.g £/$ 100 credit to his account just for finding another person to invest in the company or earn 10% off all revenew that you put into your account
The Gemini 2 is definitely a scam. I signed up for regardless reading about it being a scam. They say their binary robot picks out winning trades without you doing the guess work. Not! The way the scam works is that they send you a link that says only 1 Spot Left sign up now. Then they assign you a broker from England like CT Options, Omega Options, Starling etc. No direct contact numbers to a real person and no transparency. Once you get to the brokers page you have to fund your account with $250.00 dollars to have the account and use that money to start trading.
My experience in using the Gemini 2 App only lost me money from $250.00 down to about $98.00 dollars. So I started doing some guess work and trade manually. Eventually I got my money back up to $250.00 and request to to withdraw my money out. Now here is the other catch. Before you withdraw your own money they want a copy of your drivers license, Passport Visa, Utility Bill and Copy of your Credit Card.
The scammers main job is to get you to a crooked offshore broker. The moment you start trading the Gemini 2 apps steels your money right into the brokers pockets and the scammers get paid. Also, Gemini 2 crooks will send you tons of links such as the Binary Robot APP, Zeus 2 APP , Automata Formula, Cloud Track Trader, Quantum Code and many others. These are all scams, all are paid actors rented plains, rented luxury sports cars, rented offices, fake accounts and numbers. Imagine a scheme so elaborate that many people get to see the videos, people get hooked into paying the $250.00 multiplied that by several hundreds of people that buy into it they get rich. There’s absolutely no transparency and you get no name contacts, business addresses or legit telephone numbers. Usually the numbers calling are from over seas………
These people eventually will hack into your personal info and straight into your banking accounts. Oh and yesterday I’ve had it with them and is the reason why I’m typing this now. I started with with $375 trading manually with Stocks I managed to get to $517.00 hundred dollars. But then after the stock market closed in NYC yesterday I decided to trade in world currency and think they call that Forex. Anyway, I manually traded 4 times. Each trade was $25.00 dollars and the profit would be $45.00 dollars more if you win those trades. To my astonishment not only did I lose the trades but my account balance dropped from $517.00 to $88.00 dollars. Now where the fuck did all the rest of my money go??? Obviously someone at the other end stole it and I cannot even get a hold of a contact person, e-mail, telephone number to address my concerns. Stay away from these people. They are all crooks running and international scam.
Were you able to withdraw your money? I already deposited $250 and requested for withdrawal,then they asked me to submit all of those documents. What should I do now? Please advise me
I was halfway through the registration when I opened another tab on my browser just to check if this is really legit or not. As I was reading the review on this website I received a phone call from the so called “Gemini Software offices”. The guy on the phone was so quick to ask “Do you have R3500 in you bank account”. . He couldn’t hear what I was saying so he dropped the phone, after about 5 minutes or so he phoned again. That time I was convinced that these people are desperately looking for easy targets to scam.
My advice would be, if you are still wondering whether this is for real or not, run away and don’t look back..
In my language they say “Isala kutshelwa sibona ngomopho”. . .
Personally, I believe binary options are all scams s its the affiliates who gain on your looses. I have used Insiders Information last year with a shoddy broker called Imperial Options who have high wagering requirements and ridiculous stipulations that you can never withdraw. Then out of desperation this year tried Gemini 2 raving reviews recommended by Binary Options Army, followed Andrew’s tutorial gained originally £50 profit but after lost all my money but 98p. Banc de Binary never offered advice at the beginning but when I only had a couple of quid tried to get me to deposit more and said if I joined the VIP account then I could get better signals. Funny how though they are linked to an auto trader with apparently 83% accuracy rate used at low periods of volatility in the market but still loads of losses. Obviously, no integrity on their part that that they are part of this to get punters money. Withdrawals easy but that’s it..Sure its programmed to lure you into a false sense of security so that when you start winning it eventually takes your hard earned money and lines the affiliate and brokers commission from your deposit and possibly larger investment after a win. Don’t bother with any of them binary Options is easy to lose on it can be out 1 or o pips and you lost everything if there’s no facility for stop losses.
Thank you so very much for the disclosure on Gemini2. I would have fallen into the trap had I not open your page on the reviews. Actually I was almost at the point of entering my financial details to this bogus scammer. Anyway, my comissuration to those already conned by these unscrupulous greedy scum of the earth persons. I pray that those already suffered loss of their investment will be financially rewarded in future ventures. Million thanks again for the owner of this website for highlighting Gemini2. May you all continue to be blessed in this world and the hereafter.
Same here I watch the video I was astonished and thought to myself I need to get on this as soon as possible. I I am a business owner and work my ass off so when I saw the video I was like $250 it’s nothing if I can make thousands I got three kids to feed and it would make our lives so much easier but luckily I saw this link and read the issues. Thank you all for letting others know.
I just hope that one day I could possibly find a platform that trades automatically, I’m not greedy just wouldn’t mind making a few extra thousand dollars a month.
After checking their AFS & ASIC credentials in Australia before sending them my money, I found them not to be a trustworthy company to deal with. Yet after telling them 5 times on the phone that I was no longer interested, I received a verbally abusive email saying ‘F you’ & ‘stop wasting my fn time’. Also, when hitting the unsubscribe button at the bottom of their emails, my Norton security blocked it. So I tried sending them a direct reply email and it was undeliverable. SO GLAD I DID A QUICK GOOGLE CHECK to find they’ve had their trading licenses revoked.
I’m so glad I read these reviews. To bad this site is bogus. I’m sick and tired of scammers.
If it’s to good to be true , then as always it is.
Why isn’t there more info out there about this so called trading software.? To many will buy into this and get scammed.
the video is a scam you get the software but its not what you think it is at all im still trying to get my 250$ i didnt make anything every time id email them they never respond they just send you more spam email if you know how to buy in trade already it might be for you but they did not tell the truth so im done with this
Thanks for the info. We need to share such vital info to save others from these scammers. I tried two of them and I lost all my investment.
I found out that the hyped video itself had enough red flags. A very obvious one is the fact that the random street guy only had $63 in his bank account and he said he can barely afford his rent. How come within 30 days, he lived in a house that is clearly not a rented house, and the house doesn’t look like the owner will be that broke?
Since declining to invest in their trading platform and outright accusing them of being a scam, I had received 6 follow-up calls through fake phone numbers that when you call back are unregistered dead numbers. Each time there was a different representative who called and they won’t explicitly mention Virgins Markets, but rather a generic reference to a prior discussed investment opportunity. When I pushed them to identify themselves, they would reference Gemini but never Virgins Markets although in my opinion, they are one of the same as I discovered that the Brandon Lewis Gemini website was also registered at the same time in July 2021 as Virgins Markets. In addition, several of them defended the reputation of Virgin Markets. The representatives have been taught to get aggressive when you accuse them of being a scam, but will not swear or make any crass remarks. So far, I have had lots of fun calling them Moth**F*ck*rs to push their buttons as they won’t swear back. One of the representatives Harry Nelson, which is likely a fake name, has also provided me his WhatsApp number as +44 7367 741025 which is a UK based number, despite claiming to be located in Quebec City. One of the reps even claimed they are registered with Canada’s Fintrac, which is untrue as Fintrac has a publicly available search engine which I confirm that Virgins Markets is not registered. The fake phone numbers come from all over Canada, and once in Australia by a female representative. Again these are fake numbers that you are unregistered numbers if you call them back.
Yup, he’s an actor!
Brandon is not human out of space alien designed to destroy the Human race in cunning ways.
I have been notified by several people that this scam is circulating again.
I am the actor that was hired to shoot this commercial 6 years ago.
I have done everything in my power to shut this down. I even launched a video years ago that was making the rounds explaining the situation (posted below).
The man that shot this project (he is screen shot above as one of the “testimonials”) is named Bill Berry. A couple of years ago he was shut down by the federal trade commission as well as all of the people he worked with.
As soon as this popped back up I immediately told him to shut it down!! He has reached back out to the CFTC to report it.
If you see this ad pop up somewhere please post a link to it so that I can forward it to the authorities.
Im truly sorry to anyone that has been affected by this. I’ve spent my entire life trying to help people and then I booked one commercial that has caused so much pain to others.
I will continue to try to stop this.
I found this scam commercial on Youtube:
Came up in the game between FC Barcelona vs UNAM Pumas at halftime.
Was about to send $250 lol, had to double check it first though and that’s when l came across your info about Gemini 2 being a scam.
Kind regards.
What triggered me to search was the fact that one actor said he only have like 60 dollars around that but they ask for a higher amount of deposit in the 200 dollars (something like that) So how could actor 2 started his account lmao 😀
I am trying to be nice here. But how STUPID are you to ever “invest” your hard earned money based on a YouTube ad. If I came to your house and asked you for $250, you would call the police. But because you have no idea about investing and you are fuck****ing lazy to learn about investing, let’s give money to this “app” that guarantees to make you a rich person. Automatically. Just $250 startup capital. And you will be a rich person. Come on people. You DESERVE to be scammed. Be glad your STUPIDITY only cost you $250. I will never forget what my ex CEO said to me: ” We make money on stupid people”…. Welcome to the club….
This is on Youtube again as an ad, I wondered about the poor quality of the video.