Our investigations reveals that the Sydney Bitcoin System Software is just another Scam in disguise. We have reviewed some disturbing facts that you must learn before opting to sign up. In fact, the moment you hit the play button on the homepage to view what they have to say, you get a feeling that this is just a hoax. On top of this, we are suspecting that Sydney Bitcoin System method is somehow related to another scam called Aussie method. But this is a story for another day. Let us focus on the Sydney Bitcoin System App by giving nothing but proof that you will lose your money with this Bitcoin system in the most foolish of ways.
Why Sydney Bitcoin System App Is Scam ? Real Review Points !!
Is Sydney Bitcoin system a scam? Well, asking this question would be like asking what bread is made of. You see, the Sydney Bitcoin system platform could be a reincarnation of the Aussie method which has undergone evolution enough times. We are talking of a Bitcoin software that used to be called the Brit Method, then changed to Canuck Method and then the Toronto Bitcoin system.The people behind the Sydney Bitcoin system site have even gone wild to claim that people are making up to $2,500 per day with this trading App. They claim the least amount of money you can make is $800 per day. But something isn’t very convincing.
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According to the ”live trading sessions” of Sydney Bitcoin system Bitcoin software, most users invest an average of $500. This Auto trading bot has won over 10,000 trades and lost slightly above 300. However, there is some disparity in the way profits are being made. We can see that most traders are investing $1,000 as opposed to $500 and making profits that don’t exceed $1,010 per trade. We are not sure how such minimal profits can turn into $1,000 or $2,500 a day.
In other words, the profit margins are so small that one can’t certainly claim they are making $1,000 as alleged by the owner of Sydney Bitcoin system program.We have also received several complaints from account holders who trusted Sydney Bitcoin system signals. Apparently, these users have been ripped off with this.These users pushed the play button on the Autotrader only to have their accounts wiped out completely.
Fake Trust Badges on Sydney Bitcoin System Website
It is unfortunate how this man called Robert Hockton is displaying his ignorance in front of the world. He has slapped a few ”trust badges” from Norton, Trustwave, Truste and BBB. However, these badges cannot be clicked in any way. If you conduct a small research at the BBB, you realize that the guys who work here have never heard of the Sydney Bitcoin system Platform.
How the Sydney Bitcoin system Bitcoin software works ?
There is no review information on how this Sydney Bitcoin System App works. We have visited the FAQ section of the website and all we can find under ”how the Bitcoin software works” is some crappy information.Instead of telling us which trading method the Sydney Bitcoin system.co App will use to achieve the alleged 90% win rate, Robert Hockton directs you to sign up with the Auto Trader and ultimately with any broker that you have chosen in their Bitcoin system. He encourages you to place a minimum of $500 or $250. Apparently, that’s supposed to answer the question of how this Bitcoin software works. We find it lame!
When you move further down the page, you’re told that this Bitcoin software is something you have to download into your computer. But then they end up getting confused along the way by stating that this Sydney Bitcoin system App is web-based, so it can work on Windows, Mac or mobile devices.This is very contradicting indeed. If they cannot explain very basic things, then we cannot trust their answers with complex matters concerning Bitcoin trading. In fact, this renders their alleged 24/7 customer support useless. Once they take your money, all your questions will go unanswered. But even if they do answer you, they will not give the correct answer, and you will most likely give up on the Sydney Bitcoin System scam after losing some dough.
The introduction video talks of Sydney Bitcoin system method helping you make thousands of dollars. Before you realize it, they talk of hundreds of dollars a day. And just when you’re trying to follow, they switch the talk to millions of dollars. This is quite confusing and very dishonest indeed. You are being rushed to sign up without thinking logically. That’s what the scammers behind Sydney Bitcoin system software want you to do, and they’re not joking about it.
The Usual Fake Testimonials: Sydney Bitcoin System App Revealed
All testimonials you’re seeing on the Sydney Bitcoin system website are not real. They have been bought from people who get paid to tell lies. One woman who apparently claims to have made thousands of dollars using the Sydney Bitcoin system software also featured in another fraud called the Samaritan Bitcoin system. How about the random faces that keep showing up every time you refresh the Sydney Bitcoin system website? Well, those photos have been stolen.They have teamed up with another scam website called https://randomuser.me/. This website was created with the sole purpose of generating fake profiles to be used on the internet. Scammers have relied on that service to convince unsuspecting users for so long.
Also, the man behind the Sydney Bitcoin system App is not genuine. If you believed the photo of Robert Hockton and his family, you must have been too consumed by his lies. That photo showing him and his wife and kids is not real. There is no way he was going to expose or tag along his beloved family into this fraud.
Conclusion : The Sydney Bitcoin System is Sure Scam !!
You probably came across this Sydney Bitcoin system review because you initially thought this was something worth investing in. But we want to assure you that this is not the Bitcoin software to use,when looking to invest in Bitcoin trading.It is very expensive to trust that Sydney Bitcoin system signals will make you those profits as claimed on that page. Many people have lost when they trusted some random Sydney Bitcoin system review portraying how this was good at its job. You don’t want to be another statistic of persons that lost with a fake Bitcoin software.